Application Production Release
June 21, 2024
- We have added the ability to remotely configure a wifi access point for enrollees utilizing the ShadowPhone and ShadowPhone Lite solutions.
- We have added the ability to export the enrollee's caseload and personal information into a PDF report. You can access this report from the enrollee profile using the Export Enrollee button located on the profile>enrollment tab
- Recurring appointments are now available. You will see this new option when creating an appointment on the calendar.
- We have added the hardware type, phone type, and logged in status filters on the enrollees list
- The alarms column on the enrollee list displays new icons to easily determine if the band on the hardware is open or closed, if the hardware is communicating, and if a zone violation has occurred
- Incomplete interview calls will be noted in red on the enrollee's compliance tab
- We have increased the number of enrollees displayed from 10 to 20 on the enrollees tab
- All enrollee location data will be displayed on the location>history tab of the enrollee profile. This will include location information obtained when the enrollee reads an appointment, checks in for drug testing, curfew calls, interviews, views appointments, chat, video, reads push notifications, and uploads documents
- The address query search will now include all location data obtained including any locations obtained from the EnrolleeApp
- A curfew schedule is no longer required for exclusion zones when utilizing the persistent locations feature.
- Zones are now displayed with the correct color red for exclusion zones and green for inclusion zones
- An issue with the assigned user field not sorting correctly on the enrollees tab
- An issue with the way the "login" and "deleted app" calls were being displayed in notes
- An issue affecting the persistent locations feature when a delayed location is received. This change makes it so that non-compliant calls are not created if the enrollee left before their curfew started